Now I am clueless…

My dear friends, now I am really clueless. I was all this time searching for a keyhole.

Pancito said me in comments, it could be a key from a “saw bag” or various tools, short: not a door key. Thank his advice I looked for every keyhole-alike thing and in the corridor with a closed door I found it. The door was always closed, and the key wasn’t from this door. I asked myself often, what is behind of this door, since it was really aloud there, like some industrial machines was working and a radio was playing.

i asked once my friend… well, my “friend”… was were behind of this, and only thing he said to me was: “one day you will find it out yourself”. i trusted him at that time, so i didn’t want to sniff around that door.

Now… I analyzed the whole corridor and find finally a little box on the wall, and there was a keyhole, and my key was the right key…

The door opened. I was overwhelmed by a loudness behind. Machines, tools and many objects I cannot describe. And many cats (how do they can endure there?…)

Here is my footage:

There are too many things in that rooms (and I have never supposed, there were so many rooms behind that door). I don’t know, what to do, where to search, and what to search for…

Karen from facebook gave me a hint. She got an anonymous mail with the following text: “the key of future is in silence”. I don’t know, whether it has to do with me, or just a spam mail, but I will think about it, thank you Karen.

Any idea, what I have to look for?

5 Responses to “Now I am clueless…”

  1. Illy Says:

    You should adopt one of those cats, Hans! 😀

    Okay, serious time:
    My first thought would be to try looking for a quiet part of the room and search there.

    Either that, or you can look for a machine that’s off or not making noise

  2. hansaltmann Says:

    Yes, the cats are really cute.

    But I cannot find any quiet corner, all is full of loudness…
    Have I overseen something?.. I’ll check my footage again…

  3. Mozzie Says:

    My friend noticed the red poster on the wall with the finger held to the lips for ‘silence’ in your video — have you tried looking by that? Anything in that toolbox or whatever it was? Could be the ‘saw bag’…

  4. hansaltmann Says:

    Thank you! I have checked it out – I found a key!

  5. nnamtlasnah Says:

    lily st0p d01ng th1s
    stup1d l1l7 2n6 h2ns21tm2nn

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